Reduce costs - Reduce energy costs via a structured approach to identifying, measuring and managing your energy consumption.

Improve business performance - Drive greater productivity by identifying technical point solutions and affecting behavioural change to reduce energy consumption.

Engage top management - Position energy management in the boardroom as a key business issue.
Comply with legislation - Meet current or future mandatory energy efficiency targets and/or the requirements of GHG emission reduction legislation.

Reduce your GHG emissions - Meet stakeholder expectations or obligations now and in the future.
Formalise energy policy and objectives - Create respect for the energy management policy and embed energy efficient thinking in your organization.

Integrate your management systems - Align your EnMS with existing management systems for incremental benefit.

Secure energy supply - Understand your energy risk exposure and identify areas of the organization at greatest risk.

Drive innovation - Develop opportunities for new products and services in the low-carbon economy of the future.

Flexible and scalable - Applicable to any organisation, large or small and from any industry.





•In addition to saving energy and reducing utility expenses, there are additional and often unreported benefits from conserving energy. These non-utility benefits contribute value worth an additional 18 to 50 percent of the energy savings.


•Non-utility benefits can be expressed many ways, but generally fall into the following four quantifiable categories:


1. Extended equipment life;
2. Reduced maintenance costs;
3. Reduced risk to energy supply price spikes &
4.The ability to sell carbon credits.


•In addition, there are strategic benefits (which are site-specific and not quantified here):

1. Enhanced public image; and
2. Reduced risk to environmental/legal costs.

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